Cover Here's what the stars have in store for us for the first week of Mercury retrograde (Illustration: Chesca Gamboa/ Tatler Asia)

The second Mercury retrograde of the year has begun. Find out what the stars have lined up for us in our weekly horoscope guide

Welcome back to our weekly astrology series led by Western astrologer, De Rui.

Emotional currents run deep this week, both connecting us with others and causing some amount of friction. Doing things that bring you joy is especially supported. Take it easy next weekend when your personal power could be tested. 

Mercury retrograde brings misunderstanding and chaos

Star signs impacted the most: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius can be better listeners. 

The second Mercury retrograde of the year has begun. From now through late June, build in extra time, money, and attention to your plans. People can drop the ball and misunderstandings can happen, so creating some wiggle room will cut down on chaos. During this time, you can also gain fresh insights by reflecting on events in the recent past.

Related: The Tatler Guide to Mercury Retrograde 2021

Time with family and community gives a sense of purpose

Star signs impacted the most: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces can have more fun.

Positive vibes flow midweek with Jupiter and Neptune making easy contact with other planets in water signs. Family time especially could be very harmonious. Community service could give you a higher sense of purpose. The Universe is supporting our efforts to give concrete form to what we imagine. 

Avoid bottling up competitive impulses

Star signs impacted the most: Aries and Libra should focus on their strengths. 

By the weekend, the energies of the warrior planet Mars and fearful Pluto oppose each other. The mood may become more intense or turn darker. We can find ourselves easily threatened by challenges. Try to honour any competitive impulses that come up without letting them get out of control or bottling it up.

About Our Astrologer

De Rui is a Hong Kong-based Western astrologer and the founder of Chart Life, a personalised astrology service for those who want more insight and support for love, business and personal growth. De Rui is a member of the British Astrological Association and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, and is a graduate of Harvard College.  
