The middle of May brings with it beautiful neutral energy and Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what it means for each star sign

The middle of May brings in a beautiful neutral energy, where softness and tender care are encouraged. In the space between acceleration and slow-down, we are supported to be present with our heart space and follow the natural flow of life without pushing our own agendas.

With Mercury stationing direct on May 15, we can now revisit any important conversations or decisions that were previously held off. Keep in mind that we are still in the retrograde shadow period until June 1, so if anything still feels unclear, allow extra time for the fog to burn off. After spending some time in fiery Aries, Jupiter will enter Taurus on May 17. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, as it moves from Aries to Taurus, the expanded energy shifts into “the slowdown”. Any big plans that we felt compelled to create since December, now is the time for us to slow down and get in touch with the practical side of things, as Taurus values the tangibility of big plans.

The new moon on May 19 marks the first lunar cycle after an intense eclipse season. In the sign of Taurus, themes of stability, values and security are brought to the forefront. The Taurus earthiness can also support us in grounding. If lessons from previous months are still settling, make use of this comforting new moon to come back to your centre. Start by paying attention to the small things in life that bring pleasure and joy.

You might also like: What every star sign should know about the Mercury retrograde in Taurus we’re in right now

The week by rising sign

This new moon illuminates the parts of you that still feel deeply insecure. Transform any money or self-worth stories that don’t support your highest growth.

This new moon wants you to find true security through a healthy sense of self. Spend more time grounding in your own energy, this is the week to put yourself first.

This new moon assists you in finding safety through your spiritual connection that lives deep in your psyche. Emotional peace is available when you source it from within.

This new moon is an opening for you to re-establish your goals and dreams through clarity on your true values. Feelings of safety can be nurtured through community and friends.  

This new moon highlights the connection between structure and security for you. Consider how you can feel more supported through strategic long-term goals.

This new moon encourages growth in a sustainable way. Sometimes, the more we know, the more we become confused. Give space for wisdom and knowledge to integrate.

This new moon wants you to be open to outside support. Whether it’s receiving money from a relative or cuddles from loved ones, breathe into the security they make you feel.

This new moon makes you reflect on what you value in relationships, and what makes you feel truly secure. We’re always learning through one another, allow in vulnerability.

This new moon brings in grounding energy through slowness in your daily routine and structure. Re-connect with feelings of security by appreciating the small things in life.

This new moon awakens a new set of values that your inner child wants you to hold. Tend to the needs of this little one who lives inside of you, how can you make them feel safe?

This new moon heightens the relationships between home and security for you. There may be a need to retreat into your private space to nurture safety. Honour your tenderness.

This new moon wants you to give space for any mental busy-ness to slow down. Connect with your local community and fun social groups for feelings of calm and support.

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