Whether you like your bouquet short and sweet or long and sleek or even cascading, top florists offer pretty inspirations, set against a rustic canvas.


Playing with small and large blossoms in various hues, Fiore Dorato’s Brenda Lee Monteiro paints a charming picture of spring with ranunculus, anemone, sweet pea, hyacinth, spray roses and spinosa.


Stand out with a garden-inspired posy like this one by Juliana Foo of The Green Room. Featuring the flower-shaped succulent echeveria, it’s easy on the eye and channels boho chic.


Mixing the energy of daffodils and cymbidium orchids with the regality of blue magic orchids and irises, this bouquet by Gracelyn Lin of Sing See Soon proves that opposites do attract.


Berries lend lushness as seen in this Boenga creation where Harijanto Setiawan intersperses viburnum campactum, nigella and roses with scabiosa, skimia and viburnum roseum.


Nothing says delicate love like a ribboned bundle of pastels. Yi Lian Ng of Yi Lian Ng Floral Atelier pairs peach-coloured roses with spray roses and pink tulips in this dainty number.


Even with a single-colour palette, Boenga shows how you can make an elegant entrance by mixing blooms of various shapes and sizes like ranunculus, sweet pea, nigella, astrantia, campanula and calla lily.


Fuchsia enlivens this cascade of peonies, ranunculus, nigella and sweet pea with a trellis of foliage by The Green Room. With soft fluid layers that sway as the bride moves, this one’s for romantics.


Playing with the idea of conflicting concepts, Sing See Soon’s cascade mixes premium white blooms with garden succulents that are interestingly adorned with plastic tubes and pearls.


Call it organic whimsy or ethereal, this Fiore Dorato arrangement enraptures with peony, garden roses, syringa and spray roses as well as lush greens like eucalyptus and lamb’s ear.


Voluptuous calla lilies and  allium at the end of slender long stems have a clean, graceful look. Yi Lian Ng’s bouquet in the royal hue also projects an air of opulence and dignity.

Photography: Bryan Foong/Bryan Jean Photography
Coordination: Melissa Gail Sing
Location: Una at One Rochester

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